Latest Lab Test Results
Certificates Of Analysis (COA’s)

We test for pesticides to make sure there are no harmful poisons in our hemp extract. Pesticides can be damaging and cause a series of unwanted side effects for your pet. Pesticide testing ensures that we only use hemp that is organic at its source and grown naturally the way nature intended.

Residual Solvents:
Although we don’t use any solvents during our method of CO2 extraction, residual solvent testing is necessary to ensure that there are no trace amounts of heavy metals or poisonous solvents in any of our products. We run this testing more so to verify that our methods of extraction are pure and accurate as stated.

What Extraction Methods Do We Use?
We use only “Green” extraction methods utilizing CO2. This method leaves behind no toxins, no heavy metals or chemicals and will never degrade the final product in any way. CO2 extraction allows us to collect only the purest needed cannabinoids, terpenes, and essential oils to create the perfect blend for your pet to enjoy. CO2 is safe to use on food and is commonly found in the things we enjoy every day such as carbonated beverages and the air that we breathe!

Where Does Your Hemp Come From?
Our hemp comes from Colorado and is grown through the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s hemp pilot program. The 2014 Farm Bill was recently signed into law by our former US President Obama. Section 7606 of the bill establishes the legal cultivation and marketing of hemp on US soil through the state’s Agricultural Department.

Why Do We Test Our Products?
We partner with a third party testing facility to make sure that our CBD products are exactly what we say they are. We frequently test for total cannabinoid potency, pesticides, and residuals solvents. We use only the highest profile testing equipment to make sure that all of our products are safe and healthy for your pet. Please contact us if you have any questions about our lab test results.
We test for potency to make sure of the exact amount of cannabinoids in each and every product is safe and effective for your pet. We test for CBD, CBDA, CBC, CBG, CBN, and THC.
We test for pesticides to make sure there are no harmful poisons in our hemp extract. Pesticides can be damaging and cause a series of unwanted side effects for your pet. Pesticide testing ensures that we only use hemp that is organic at its source and grown naturally the way nature intended.
Residual Solvents:
Although we don’t use any solvents during our method of CO2 extraction, residual solvent testing is necessary to ensure that there are no trace amounts of heavy metals or poisonous solvents in any of our products. We run this testing more so to verify that our methods of extraction are pure and accurate as stated.
What Extraction Methods Do We Use?
We use only “Green” extraction methods utilizing CO2. This method leaves behind no toxins, no heavy metals or chemicals and will never degrade the final product in any way. CO2 extraction allows us to collect only the purest needed cannabinoids, terpenes, and essential oils to create the perfect blend for your pet to enjoy. CO2 is safe to use on food and is commonly found in the things we enjoy every day such as carbonated beverages and the air that we breathe!
Where Does Your Hemp Come From?
Our hemp comes from Colorado and is grown through the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s hemp pilot program. The 2014 Farm Bill was recently signed into law by our former US President Obama. Section 7606 of the bill establishes the legal cultivation and marketing of hemp on US soil through the state’s Agricultural Department.
Why Do We Test Our Products?
We partner with a third party testing facility to make sure that our CBD products are exactly what we say they are. We frequently test for total cannabinoid potency, pesticides, and residuals solvents. We use only the highest profile testing equipment to make sure that all of our products are safe and healthy for your pet. Please contact us if you have any questions about our lab test results.
We test for potency to make sure of the exact amount of cannabinoids in each and every product is safe and effective for your pet. We test for CBD, CBDA, CBC, CBG, CBN, and THC.