How To Calm a Cat That's in Heat [Basic Home Remedies To Calm Your Kitty]

How To Calm a Cat That's in Heat [Basic Home Remedies To Calm Your Kitty]
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Cat owners know that when their cat is in heat, she is likely to be feeling agitated and restless. She may cry mournfully, vocalize more than usual, urinate frequently (sometimes in inappropriate places), and display other signs of distress. But there are a few things pet parents can do to help calm their cat down and make her more comfortable. That's why you need to know how to help a cat in heat.


At Holistapet, we're the experts at holistic remedies for pets. It's no wonder that many cat owners utilize our CBD pet products every day to keep their cat's health at an optimal level. That's why we've put together this helpful guide about your cat's heat cycle and what you can do to make her experience better.



How to Know When a Cat Is in Heat?

If your cat is female and hasn't been spayed, she's probably in heat. An unspayed cat will go through regular heat cycles. Spayed cats, however, do not have a reproductive system, which means they have no ovaries, produce no estrogen, and do not go through heat cycles. When a cat is in heat, she is fertile and receptive to mating. Your cat's heat cycle (also called estrous or estrus cycle) usually lasts for around three weeks, although it can vary from cat to cat.


cat in heat



What Are the Signs of a Heating Cat?

Is my cat in heat? You might be wondering this over and over again, and if you notice your cat acting out of the ordinary, heating may be the culprit. You can identify future heat cycles if you know what to look for:


  • Become restless
  • Yowl or cry incessantly
  • Show more affection and want to spend more time with you
  • Rub her rear end on a cat tree, furniture, or walls
  • Urinate more often (including in places other than her litter box)
  • Assert a mating position by elevating her hindlegs, allowing a male cat to mount her and mate
  • Repeatedly try to run away
  • Excessively groom herself due to swollen genitalia
  • Scent mark areas to attract male cats
  • Isolate in solitary areas



When Do Cats Go Into Heat?

The average age for a kitten to reach sexual maturity and have their first heat is between 5 and 9 months old. However, some may have their first heat as early as 4 months old, while others may not experience it until they are a year old. If your cat has not had her first heat by the time she is a year old, seek veterinary advice to check for any underlying health issues.


kitten staring



How Long Does A Cat Stay in Heat?

According to the latest veterinarian research, the typical length of heat cycles is six days. If an unspayed female cat is not mated during her estrus cycle, she will go out of heat for a short period of time. The mating and breeding season usually lasts every year from February to October. Female cats will go into heat multiple times per year if they're not spayed. The average frequency is every three to four weeks, but it can range from every two weeks to once every six weeks.



What to Do When Your Cat is in Heat

Calming cats in heat might sound daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Here are a few things you can do and some home remedies for cats in heat to help your pet feel more comfortable during her cycle:


  • Water: Make sure she has plenty of fresh water to drink.
  • Affection: Give her a little extra TLC and extra attention, including petting and brushing.
  • Attractants: Use a feline pheromone diffuser in your home. Spraying these synthetic cat pheromones can help calm your feline and make her feel more comfortable.
  • Exercise: A short walk or play session each day can help burn off some of her excess energy.
  • Neutering: This surgical procedure removes the uterus and ovaries, preventing future heat cycles and reducing the risk of certain health issues like pyometra or cancer.
  • Veterinary Medicine: Your veterinarian may prescribe medications to help ease discomfort.
  • Clean Litter: This encourages scent marking in the litter box instead of other areas in and around your residence.
  • Heat Remedy: Allow your cat to sit on a warm towel, heat pack, or microwaveable heat pad to keep them calm.
  • CBD: One of the best cat in heat remedy is CBD. Some of the best hemp-derived CBD-infused cat products you can give your feline friend include soft chews, treats, oil (tincture), and capsules, all of which you can find right here at Holistapet!
  • Catnip: Utilize loose catnip or catnip-filled toys to keep your feline friend occupied and away from male cats.
  • Isolation: To avoid unwanted pregnancy, keep your cat inside to avert straying and interacting with other cats.


cuddling Tortie



Are Cats in Pain When in Heat?

Cats in heat do not experience pain, but they may act differently than usual and may feel discomfort or become agitated. Their behavior is usually more affectionate and vocal, and they may urinate more frequently.



Is There a Way To Prevent Heat?

The good news is that there are ways to help prevent heat in cats. One way is by spaying your cat. This will help to reduce the hormones that trigger heat cycles. Another way to prevent heat in cats is through the use of injections.



Can You Spay a Cat in Heat?

Yes, a cat can be spayed while in heat, but it is typically more complicated and carries slightly higher risks than when the cat is not in heat. Many veterinarians prefer to wait until the heat cycle has passed, but in some cases, especially when preventing an unwanted pregnancy or dealing with behavioral issues caused by being in heat, the procedure may still be performed.



Additional Post-Surgery Care Tips

Make sure to use an Elizabethan collar (if recommended) to prevent your cat from licking or biting the incision site, check the incision daily for signs of infection, and administer any prescribed medications exactly as directed by your veterinarian. Additionally, keep your cat indoors and avoid any strenuous activities until your vet gives the all-clear.



What Can I Do as the Fur Parent?

You can help by providing a calm and comfortable environment to reduce her stress. Cats in heat may become more vocal and restless, so offering extra attention and affection can help soothe them. You can distract your cat with playtime and toys to release some of their pent-up energy. If your cat seems particularly agitated, soft music or pheromone diffusers designed for cats can create a more relaxing atmosphere. It's also important to keep your cat indoors during this time to prevent unwanted mating and potential pregnancy.



Final Thoughts - How To Calm a Cat That's in Heat

While your cat is in heat, it's important to be patient and understanding. There are a few things you can do to make the experience more comfortable for both you and your cat. By following the tips above, hopefully, your cat will be calm and relaxed until her heat cycle ends. Any responsible pet parent who wants to boost their cat's general wellbeing should go to our shop and get some CBD products. Not only will CBD improve your cat's soundness, but it will help make her next heat cycle more comfortable and less stressful.

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