Morgan Horse: The Ultimate Guide to an Iconic Breed

Morgan Horse: The Ultimate Guide to an Iconic Breed
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The United States has never known a more likable, adaptable horse than the Morgan. Renowned for its amicable personality and exquisite strength, the Morgan has served every function a horse possibly can since its development in the 1700s. Whether carriage pulling, harness racing, or transporting miners during the California Gold Rush, the Morgan Horse breed has touched nearly every corner of American equestrian history!



Morgan Horse Physical Characteristics

What sets Morgans apart from other horse breeds are their pronounced withers and muscular compositions. They hold their heads and tails very high, giving them one of the most distinctive postures of any breed. People often say that Morgan horses have a proud look about them, and it's not hard to see why. The long neck, arched back, and expressive eyes make them appear to be holding themselves in an ever-alert, noble stance.


The Morgan horse has a compact body, a short back, and a broad chest. This body type has afforded them a lot of versatility in the equestrian world - they are excellent choices for show jumping, dressage, endurance riding, and pleasure riding. The Morgan's agility makes it an ideal stock horse as well.



Morgan Horse Size

Morgan horses typically stand between 14 and 15 hands high, which equates to 56.4 to 60.8 inches at the withers. While they are considered one of the shorter horse breeds, their compact size does not detract from their powerful and elegant stature. Despite their height, they are known for their muscular build, which contributes to their average weight of 900 to 1,100 pounds (400 to 500 kg). This balance of height and weight makes them versatile riding horses, excelling in various disciplines from dressage to harness racing.



Morgan Horse Personality

The Morgan horse has an even, well-mannered temperament. The easy-going nature of the breed makes them a superb choice for riders of all experience levels, from beginner to advanced. Morgan horses are renowned for their outgoing predisposition — they're a breed that won't shy away from strangers. These traits make the Morgan horse especially suited for working with children since junior riders often require a patient and courageous mount.


Morgans will easily befriend their riders due to a tendency to be affectionate with people they know well. The bond between a Morgan horse and its rider can reach a complex depth if both parties establish trust. There is no lack of loyalty in the Morgan horse, and once they bond with their rider, they will always aim to please.


Curiosity is another hallmark of the Morgan horse's character. Morgan horses are naturally intelligent, and their brains seek stimulation. You may find a young Morgan easily distracted during lessons, and even a grown Morgan may stop to explore their environment when it has the opportunity. The breed's curiosity extends to people and contributes to their social nature.



Morgan Horse History

The Morgan is known as one of the first breeds developed in the United States. The Morgan horse's founding can be traced back to Justin Morgan, a man from Randolph, Vermont. Justin Morgan owned a stallion named Figure that may have been a cross between Arabian and thoroughbred lines, but its true heritage has been lost to time. Figure stood at only 56 inches tall, but he had a reputation for being one of his New England community's most athletic and friendly stallions.


When word of Figure's desirable traits got around, people lined up to breed their mares. Figure passed his traits down the line, and the distinct Morgan breed came to be. Initially deemed the "Justin Morgan horse," the breed successfully performed all kinds of arduous labor — draft work, pulling plows, and anything else that required excessive strength and stamina.


Once the breed proved itself a reliable workhorse, the United States Cavalry used them as artillery horses in the American Civil War. Today, the American Morgan horse breed continues its hardworking and versatile nature. You can find a modern Morgan horse giving pleasure rides, competing in all varieties of competition, and performing agricultural labor. They make beloved pets for families and horse lovers of all kinds.



How to Care for a Morgan Horse

Morgans are easy to care for, but it's crucial to keep up with routine veterinary care. Ensure that your Morgan gets vaccinated, de-wormed regularly, and receives adequate dental care. Fresh water is an absolute necessity at all times. Daily exercise is also essential since it helps maintain the horse's weight.


Check your Morgan's hooves daily for dirt, debris, and signs of infection. Hoof picks and brushes are a necessary investment for maintaining your horse's hooves. Picks will help you clean the hooves, and brushes are used to apply oils that keep the hooves healthy. Hoof oil can repair cracks, help prevent infections like thrush, and ease sore feet.



Morgan Horse Training

The Morgan's friendly nature makes training fun and relatively easy. When a horse develops trust with its owner, it becomes more obedient to commands. Like all horses, it's best to start when they're young. Halter training is the first step to building the foal's trust and confidence. From there, you can work up to verbal commands and saddle training. Horses two years old and under should avoid strenuous exercises like driving and pulling because their bodies are still developing. It's best to teach the horse to ride before training them to pull.



Nutrition and Feeding for a Morgan Horse

The best option for feeding your Morgan is to let them graze freely in a pasture. However, feeds will also work just fine. The biggest concern for a Morgan horse is becoming overweight since they are relatively small. To avoid weight gain, it's essential to minimize the amount of sweet feed you give your Morgan.


You should feed your Morgan between 2-4 pounds of food per day, depending on the horse's activity level. You can add beneficial products like our premium CBD oil to your horse's food for maximum nutrition. We also make CBD pellets for horses! One way to monitor your Morgan's weight is to feel along its ribs. If the animal's ribs are not visible but can be felt without pushing hard, your Morgan is at a healthy weight.


Morgans will stay healthier if you feed them smaller portions of food at more frequent intervals (this mimics free-roam grazing). When measuring food, it's also important that you measure by weight, not volume. Feed rich in fiber, like hay or grass, will support the horse's digestion and help prevent weight gain. Be sure to check out our article, What Do Horses Eat, to learn more about equine nutrition.



Coat Color And Grooming

Brushing your Morgan at least once a week will ensure the coat stays healthy and free of debris. Since Morgans have thick manes and tails, dedicate some extra time to detangling and conditioning the hair, as this will prevent mats. Well-groomed manes and tails are likely to score extra points in any horse show! No official breed standard exists for the Morgan's coat appearance. Morgans come in a variety of colors, although their coats are most commonly dark and solid. These other patterns are common as well:




Bay horses have a brown or reddish-brown coat, typically complemented by a black mane, tail, ears, and lower legs. These dark points are essential for the horse to be classified as a bay; without them, the coat color would not meet the true bay definition. The contrast between the rich brown body and the black accents gives bay horses a striking appearance, and this coloration is quite common across many breeds, including the Morgan horse.




A dun coat features a lighter body color with darker pigmentation on the limbs, mane, tail, and often along the back in the form of a dorsal stripe. This unique pattern can appear on any base coat color, creating a range of shades such as bay dun, red dun, or grullo. The dun markings often include primitive features like zebra-like stripes on the legs or shoulder barring, adding to the distinctive look of the coat.




A roan coat features an even mix of white and colored hairs distributed throughout the body, giving it a unique, textured appearance. Roans can come in various base colors, including chestnut (red roan), black (blue roan), and brown or bay (bay roan). One characteristic of roan horses is that their coat often lightens or darkens with seasonal changes, but the overall roan pattern remains consistent throughout their lives. This distinct coloring is found in many breeds, including the Morgan horse.



Health Problems

Morgans are a healthy horse breed with very few congenital problems running in the line. However, it's always important to check a horse's pedigree before purchasing so you are aware of any genetic conditions they may carry.



Cushing's Disease

Cushing's disease, a hormonal condition that causes weight loss, excessive sweating, and lethargy, can occur in older Morgans. Fortunately, the rate of this condition is rare. Veterinarians recommend a balanced diet and serotonin antagonists to treat the disorder. Although Cushing's is not fatal, it can seriously diminish your horse's quality of life.




Morgan horses are prone to obesity, partly due to their shorter stature and "easy keeper" nature, meaning they can maintain weight with relatively little feed. To prevent excessive weight gain, it is essential to provide your Morgan with regular daily exercise and avoid feeds that are high in sugar and fat. A balanced diet with controlled portions, along with consistent physical activity, will help maintain their health and prevent common weight-related issues, such as laminitis. Regular monitoring of body condition is also recommended for Morgan horse owners.




Laminitis is a serious condition that reduces blood flow to the inner layer of the hoof, known as the laminae, causing inflammation and intense pain. This inflammation can severely compromise the hoof's structure, leading to long-term damage. Obesity and high-sugar diets are common triggers for laminitis, making proper nutrition and weight management essential for preventing the condition in Morgan horses. If left untreated, laminitis can progress to lameness or even permanent hoof damage, so early diagnosis and treatment are critical.



How to Get a Morgan Horse

Morgans can range from $1,000 to $5,000. A horse's price depends on its age, health, training, and pedigree. You can buy them from breeders, shelters, or at local auctions. There are lots of organizations dedicated to preserving the breed. The American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) and Morgan Horse Club offers mentor, competition, and breeding programs. They also oversee ranch networks for proud Morgan owners across the nation.


The organization offers different levels of membership — registration in the organization provides members with access to these resources for an annual fee. Similarly, there are regional clubs that help support Morgan horse owners. In California, the Sacramento Valley Morgan Horse Club works in conjunction with the American Morgan Horse Association to promote breeding. They host their own shows and offer special horse sales for members of the club.



More About This Horse Breed

Morgans can live over 30 years if they are well cared for. Because of its American origin, you will sometimes hear the breed referred to as the "Morgan Stallion" or "American Morgan horse." Perhaps the Mustang horse is the only other breed so intimately connected to America's history, making them famous in the Wild West.



Final Thoughts - Morgan Horse

The Morgan horse is a versatile, resilient, and iconic breed with a rich history rooted in American equestrian culture. Known for their strength, gentle disposition, and adaptability across multiple disciplines, Morgans excel as riding horses, show horses, and in harness racing. Morgan horses are undoubtedly one of the most charming and enjoyable horses you can own. Truly the most American line to grace the stables, the Morgan horse will continue to bring joy to equine lovers for generations to come! Read about other horse breeds here.

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